Taco Truck Racks Up OUTRAGEOUS Sales At Trump Event In Cheesy Photo-Op For All (VIDEO/TWEETS)


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump made a campaign stop at a Black church in Detroit, Michigan. He got a mixed reception.

A taco truck, Tacos El Caballo, set up outside the event in a very delicious protest.  Nancy Paz, the owner, had her family set up the truck right outside the convention in hopes that The Donald might see it:

“Because Donald say the Mexican people, they doesn’t work. We come here to say, yes, we work hard, for the family.”

The truck did very well at the event. They had to raise the price of the meat because they were selling so much of it.

Taco trucks have now become an internet meme this week after Marco Gutierrez, co-founder of Latinos For Trump, said:

“My culture is a very dominant culture. It is imposing and it’s causing problems.”

“If you don’t do something about it, you’re going to have taco trucks [on] every corner.”

It has sparked the hilarious new hashtag #TacoTrucksOn EveryCorner. It is sparking some great internet hilarity.

Watch out for the Spanish curse word below.

This is totally me waiting for tacos:

In addition to the presence of the taco truck, Trump himself showed that the visit was a total scam. He spoke briefly in the church, recited a Bible verse, and then had someone put a Jewish prayer cloth on him.

Is this his way of acknowledging religious people? Throw up every faith at once. It will save time from traveling to different churches and synagogues.

The Reverend at the church caught onto his scam. Rev. Wendell Anthony said:

“… It’s gonna take a whole lot of conjecture and whole lot of programming to undo what has been done.”

“Before you talk about the can-do, let’s talk about the undo. Let’s undo what Mr. Trump has done. Part of what he said is that we need to unite the country. Well his policies, or lack thereof, his commentary, his rhetoric, is doing no more than dividing this nation. When you talk about ‘I don’t want black people counting my money,’ or rather have ‘short folk with yarmulkes counting my money’ — that’s divisive!”

Watch this Reverend verbally tear Trump a new one:

Featured image via Twitter.